Saturday 18 June 2011

Car Show Etiquette 101

Since it is the car show season, I thought I could help some out with proper car show etiquette. I have been to so many car shows and witnessed so much drama and afterwards trauma, that I feel the need to share.

My first rule of thumb is always have at least one great story to tell about your car, give the audience something to take home!

If you are going to display your vehicle, don't sit or stand by the car like a bodyguard...this will shy away more people then you know. Become inconspicuous and watch from a distance if you have too. Another option is to turn yourself into part of the display, dress in a fashion that reflects the character of your car(young or old, everybody loves playing dressup). Better yet, actually welcome people in close to enjoy your car (they won't be touching if they know you are right there with them).

Make sure you mingle and include everyone, don't just hang out with people who are interested in the same rides you are. Change it up a little, you might be surprised at what you learn and actually like. Everybody has their own likes and dislikes, but in the car owner's eyes, they possess an original masterpiece of an amazing automtive artist. Also, if their ride is not as pristine as you may like, enjoy it for what it could be, there are a lot of works in progress out there, and for some the funds just aren't available quite yet!

If you are just there to enjoy the shows, for heavens sake, keep your HANDS OFF!!! I once had a beautiful black Blazer that had just been picked up from the body shop earlier in the day. I took it down to a parking lot where a bunch of car guys would get together and enjoy each others rides.

Some knucklehead had the nerve to come over to my truck and start touching it (with an afternoons worth of dust on fresh paint it did not fair well) I went over asked him to remove his hands and he replied "I was just looking at it". In response I told him I really liked his ladies "features" but if I was to walk over and touch them he would not appriciate it either! My point was made.

You don't see with your fingers....sorry I just sorta snapped right there, tends to happen when I bring up bad memories...I appologize :)

Another thing, don't ride bikes or skateboards around the vehicles, it scares the heck out of the exibitors, and you don't want them to pack up and go home do you?

I know there is much more I could share, but my fingers grow tired and my brain a bit foggy. All I ask is that when you attend carshows, you show the same respect for others that you would want them to show you!

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