Thursday 14 July 2011

The Show Must Go On- Part 2

  Well the time came and went, and as expected, I was least that is how I chose to see it. (If you feel otherwise feel free to keep it to yourself, it's not easy keeping a swelled head like this, and I wouldn't want you messing that up for me!)We made the show, and what a show it was! Dave ( @Miradart ) started out with a bit about what's going on in the auto world around us, followed up by some chat about Carroll Shelby and of all things....his deodorant....that's right he had one named after him. Pit-Stop. Brilliant advertising put it into every household around....wait a minute, that would be old spice wouldn't
  Following that bit of great reporting that you only find on AutoMojo, he flashed into some pictures of a car show he had been to earlier in the week. Turns out, it was like a walk down memory lane.  Many of the cars in the pics were my work and some I even helped build. It got me thinking back to when I was just a youngling, a Jedi wannabe.~~~~~~

  I had never imagined when I started out I would be working on such magnificent pieces. I just wanted to have a job I forward 10 years later, I was the hottest thing on the market! To have a car done by The Don, was a form of gloating to many (once again, I chose to overembelish for entertainment purposes only). But I realized that over a short period of time, I had gone from being a virtual unknown to one whose name meant something to many people, especially car people. This did make me proud.

 To think all I wanted to do was create a job I enjoyed, but by satisfying all the right people and making excellent connections I become sort of the go-to guy for the Central Alberta  auto-detailing. It was not till I met The Jedi Master,( my mentor who's name I will leave out for his sake) and he taught me the ways of the polisher that I was truly able to capitalise on what I had learned. I vowed to only do things that brought joy to peoples lives, and so it was. Soon the student became the teacher, and proceeded to care for his Masters vehicles. It was time for me to seek out a youngling to train up in the ways I had been taught. Oh those were the days~~~~~~ Ok, now the reality sets in.

I was to guest on the show and help advise people on how to find a good detail shop and help them understand when one is required. After establishing myself as the self proclaimed "expert" I went through a few random questions with Dave and gave sharp insightful answers, he too was mystified at how one man could be such a bundle of information! This man was trying to stump me, but to no avail, I was far too great in knowledge for this to happen....then it came, the clip of the carwasher from Latvia, ( Pro detailer from Latvia does his job! (VERY FUN) ) I had to speak my mind.It was very hard to watch from an auto detailers standpoint, but I endured, and used it to help educate people on how not to wash their car.

All in all we had a great time making the show, and I have been asked to return. ( after all, I am just that entertaining! ) I am quite looking forward to it and hope you fine folks will jump on board watching this (somewhat) informative show weekly on

Sunday 3 July 2011

The Show Must Go On- Part1

I wasn't expecting to be on the big screen again, but it looks like it is happening to me once more. My fans adore me, and they have demanded more!!! OK, thats how it looks in my
Alright, my only real tv appearance was in a Crime Stoppers commercial...but I played the role so well that I was told by 10 people they were ratting me out for some pocket cash! Now it is something I am actually passionate about...this time I get to talk about cars. I am so in my element on this one, I don't think one show will be enough. It seems as though word on the street is that I am some kinda detailing guru-I tell them I am just a meager being like they are...the only difference is that I'm an overachiever with a huge ego...and I'm not afraid to share it with others.

So a couple of weeks ago my wife had done a little spot an an interweb tv show, she got talking to the producer about me and the next thing I know, I'm being asked to guest star on a show called AutoMojo with a Twitter aquaintance of mine Dave Foley (@miradart). Quite the cool cat himself, we have been hashing out ideas for the program. All of our brainstorming has brought back cool memories of details past.

I was running through some of the stories of vehicles I have been so blessed to play with, and how sometimes I was so good I even amazed myself lol!! It was at this point when it hit me, - I have been given some of the most amazing iron to play with just cause someone figured I had talent...this is why my ego is so big today (insert swollen head here!).

As the possessor of such great knowledge, it helped me realize that with great power comes great responsibility, and just as SpiderMan was faced with the same dilema, I too choose to use my knowledge for good. I will do this show, and I will share my big brain full of cool stories with all my loyal fans, and new ones too. This is going to be my opprotunity to share the gifts that were given to me...I will do a tell-all on the tricks of the trade. Although it won't happen in just one episode, it will be something that is permanently on the web for anyone to access.

Stay tuned for more info on what to look forward to on AutoMojo with Dave Foley (@miradart), and special guest moi! Don Nault  (@xsfdetail). Looking forward to you looking at me, soon!

Sunday 26 June 2011

Drag Racing VS Blogging

Have you ever been just sitting around and thinking about things you really enjoy. I was doing that today, and I realized something. Two of my passions - drag racing and blogging - have a lot of similarities. Lets compare them.
In order to start I need:
 For the race I have to get my car dialled in, lots of tuning and preparation.
For the blog, I must engage my mind, come up with thoughts and ideas that might entertain people.
Then the run:
Truth is, I am a lover of unbridled horsepower and what it can do if you unleash it all on a long narrow strip of track. It sets you back in the seat, and the world seems to stop for a few moments while you are making your run. Next thing you know your hard on the brakes and yanking that beast around…your run is done!
I find Blogging to be very similar, in that once I start pounding the keyboard nothing else matters. I am in my own little world. Ranting and raving like a race car driver that just got shoved into the weeds on the last lap! But soon, it all settles down, I relax and hit post and then it is done.
When its all said and done, you get the numbers:
After  the race , coming down the return road, I anticipate my numbers. Did I break that elusive 11 second barrier, or will it haunt me the rest of the day… and then you recieve the answer. Oh I was so close, well maybe next time I can do a bit better!
After the blog, I release it to the public and wait to see the response. Was it a hit? How many viewed it?, Will I ever blog again? Then the stats come in….close but no cigar.
Don’t count me out folks, on the racing or the blogging end. For I am determined to master both, and mastering them I shall…muhaha till we meet again!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Car Show Etiquette 101

Since it is the car show season, I thought I could help some out with proper car show etiquette. I have been to so many car shows and witnessed so much drama and afterwards trauma, that I feel the need to share.

My first rule of thumb is always have at least one great story to tell about your car, give the audience something to take home!

If you are going to display your vehicle, don't sit or stand by the car like a bodyguard...this will shy away more people then you know. Become inconspicuous and watch from a distance if you have too. Another option is to turn yourself into part of the display, dress in a fashion that reflects the character of your car(young or old, everybody loves playing dressup). Better yet, actually welcome people in close to enjoy your car (they won't be touching if they know you are right there with them).

Make sure you mingle and include everyone, don't just hang out with people who are interested in the same rides you are. Change it up a little, you might be surprised at what you learn and actually like. Everybody has their own likes and dislikes, but in the car owner's eyes, they possess an original masterpiece of an amazing automtive artist. Also, if their ride is not as pristine as you may like, enjoy it for what it could be, there are a lot of works in progress out there, and for some the funds just aren't available quite yet!

If you are just there to enjoy the shows, for heavens sake, keep your HANDS OFF!!! I once had a beautiful black Blazer that had just been picked up from the body shop earlier in the day. I took it down to a parking lot where a bunch of car guys would get together and enjoy each others rides.

Some knucklehead had the nerve to come over to my truck and start touching it (with an afternoons worth of dust on fresh paint it did not fair well) I went over asked him to remove his hands and he replied "I was just looking at it". In response I told him I really liked his ladies "features" but if I was to walk over and touch them he would not appriciate it either! My point was made.

You don't see with your fingers....sorry I just sorta snapped right there, tends to happen when I bring up bad memories...I appologize :)

Another thing, don't ride bikes or skateboards around the vehicles, it scares the heck out of the exibitors, and you don't want them to pack up and go home do you?

I know there is much more I could share, but my fingers grow tired and my brain a bit foggy. All I ask is that when you attend carshows, you show the same respect for others that you would want them to show you!

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Cars Have Feelings Too, Ya Know!

Have you ever wondered how your car feels when it is being poorly maintained? What if your car did have feelings...maybe they do, just you don't understand them. Think about the last time you set something on the roof or trunk so you could get your keys out to open the door. What is the first thing that happens when you get the door open? You simply drag it off and into your vehicle, meanwhile your car is wanting to cry because you just scarred it for life (or until it gets polished).

After you run your car through carwash after carwash, just cause you're in too big of a hurry to do it by hand, your car will start to look duller and duller, almost gloomy. Your car is saying "I'm feeling blue due to your lack of attention." Once again, you will need a polisher to help perk it back up. Even if you do hand wash your vehicle, and think you are babying it by treating it to the "Spray Wax", don't always assume you are doing it a favor. Soon it will start to have a little less luster, hard to notice because it takes place over a longer timespan, but none the less your car is whimpering, "polish me Seymour, polish me".

In the end, cars really don't have feelings, and it's good, cause I have seen many mistreated vehicles in my time. All I am saying is give your vehicle the loving attention you would your family pet. Take some time out to stroke it with a nice coat of wax once in a while. Treat it like you would a boy/girlfriend on a first date,spare no time or expense...and let it know you love it!

Sunday 12 June 2011

What Can a Magic Eraser Do For You?

I was never aware until recently how little people knew about such an inexpensive time and labour saving device, it's called.....(drum roll).....the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!!!!
Mr. Clean does not have the market cornered on these things, but I have tried many different kinds and for durability and cleaning ability, I feel they are tops. You can buy them at any grocery or hardware store, even big box stores, so availability is never an issue.
I use these things to clean:
  • scuffs and boot marks off panels
  • leather upholstery
  • steering wheels
  • tire sidewalls
  • wax residue off of black moldings
  • control arms (wiper, signal or headlight levers)
  • even some ink marks
and not just on vehicles, they serve so many other uses around the house, I have trouble believing they aren't in every house hold. Next time you are out pick some up and try them out on anything, do be carefull and check in an inconspicuos place for color fastness before you go nuts. I have also seen them damage things such as painted walls in houses,waterbased leather dyed material, but when used properly, you can just about throw away your all purpose cleaners alltogether, these things work, and with little to no effort!